Monday, January 5, 2009

teach your children well

because they go by. everybody is somebodies baby, as in child. my own have gone by me so fast, i just want to hold on to mi nieta, teach her the traditions.
now i mean to figure the traditions out. in order to teach gi, i honor those who went before me,i hold those who came through me,gentle ,give freedom to those in front of me.
my line, my family, my memories and dreams.
my future. my past. my own personal time machine.
may we fight the powers that be.
may we remember one xmas tree.
may we sparkle,plenty,always, free and happy,
safe, warm, and gloried in.
slp 1/05/09 de la pinche

1 comment:

Steve Morozumi said...

nice poem! that rocks! yeah, i really like it. it's very nice. makes me feel all warm and cuddly inside. very touching. :D