Saturday, January 31, 2009

the diner is still on its last feet

or would that be my feet? i have been waiting for this business to fold for at least a year (don't ask me why i stilll work here, its like a strange, insidious addiction).
saturday is my long shift 6am-3pm-no breaks-i have 2-3 peaceful solita hours between 6 and 9 until the rest of the staff arrives. i have the stragglers, the regulars, the unfortunates, and the toaster all to myself.
and today was a pretty good day. my counter shined, all day. people were laughing and getting their meals quickly. really a good day behind the counter is like starring in your own scripted, written and directed film/documentary/story. with subtitles.
and my booths, i rolled on them, too. every order perfect, a smile for everyone, catsup, syrup, jelly, tabasco sauce and sweet n low. skim milk for your decafe?no problema!sugar free syrup for the whole wheat bananawalnut pancakes? of course.
some days, i really like being a diner girl.
de la pinche

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