Sunday, April 19, 2009

after the day harry kalas was laid to rest

`sjdinergrrl has this news update from southjersey, yo!
yesterday was a nice day, i wouldn't know because i was behind the counter.
i know its gonna blow weatherly speaking, during my 3 days off.

sjdinergrrl hates florida, but maybe i should relocate.after all, adaptation count
horatio cain is wrong.

sjdinergrrl was very proud of the Phil's for the sendoff that gave HK.

sjdinergrrl says "we're in the basement, learning to print, all of it hot,all counterfeit bills..................we;re int the basement

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

RIP' Harry Callas

The voice of The Phillies left the world today. His voice was the heart and soul of every Phil's game. An old school gentleman, a loyal fan, an astute intelligent man. So glad I heard him call that last play in October 2008. I am watching the game now, hoping maybe, our boys can do it again next October.
30 years his voice called the plays, nuanced, subtle, excited, disappointed. A soundtrack and distinct sound--and its outta here!
Thanks Harry, for everything, for coloring my childhood summers, for the way my father listened to you, and finally, a perfect finish.
and he's outta here!

Sunday, April 12, 2009

witch came first, the egg or easter?

or the witch? every holiday was stolen from the pagans. in western culture anyway. eggs, eggs, eggs, no fish on fridays, fish on fridays, celibate priests sublimating desire,ruined lives, cultures at war, no pork, mass in latin, diners crowded with patrons eating ham and drinking diet "coke".i never did find that egg.