Wednesday, December 31, 2008

what was that supposed to mean?

Anderson Cooper or somevoice on his show, just said the ball in Times Square is twice as big as last year. What is the relevance of that. Or as we say in southjersey Whatdafuck iszat supposed to mean? Weird thought to say bye now to 2008. Bye now. feliz ano nuevo. de la pinche

Monday, December 29, 2008

what about immagracion?

After all the excitement and the election and ectlectic i came to ask myself the same question i've been asking myself, and my neighbor's friend's co-workers and most intimate aquaintences...what about immagration? how does this "problem" get addressed, let alone solved? less than 20 shopping days till xmas, people!
i mean less than 26ish days until obama is sworn in yeah think about it. I wondered what are New Year Traditions in families? aside from mom & dad ordering a case of piel's a fifth of 7&7 and a pot of meatballs what made a new years tradition? the food thing when i was young was heavily leaning to the pig side, ham, pork roast, saurkraut, kielbasa, beans, eventually, but what do we eat in the traditional future?
and what about immagration? lets face it, aside from fitting in, we have to learn sensible ways to make more $ for our country, alot of people live here and we still have the resources so my budgetary suggestions are #1-create a border policy that would let all hispanics that manage to get into usa 6 months to attain a real social security number. open border, one number. we all have one, so why should the undocumented be excluded from this happy process?
ok, six months later, a year realistically, everybody has a number.
then, the deductions from the paycheck begin, for everybody. citizen or not, taxes and death are unavoidable. so taxes are taken out of every paycheck. six months later, the government is riding high on the amount of money collected every week, every month, every quarter, fiscal year, and despite a record high year of Mercury retrograde, a budgetary surplus.
then. we really wake up. cannabis is recognized as a fundamental, historical and secular sacrament and legalized, finally and formally, by the good and many people of this country as the primero crop of the newly formed UnitedStatesofAmexico and trade agreements are toasted over cocktails (formerly called White Russian's) but in the new high spirits of amexico, are a blend of soymilk,coffee,and, depending on your personal choice-BudLite,Kahlua,Boost,BlackSambuca,YuenglingLager,DagoRed,PBR&a JD,a swirl of Padrone,a lime, kosher salt, raw cuban sugarcane, a one shot of your choice....................really happy new year. happy is a good way to begin the year.

Friday, December 26, 2008

the day after

work, the diner, lifting tray after tray of "chip" over white, tired tired tired, after 9 hours of endless crap, two lovely black ladies come in for a T-bone. I so want to leave. They eat slowly, daintely. I give them some extra cheese bread to take home. Talk a little with them, find they are Jehovah's Witnesses. They hand me a tip from a two top that shamed me, so involved was I in getting out of the diner. once again, i realized, how little I know.
Then I met with a long time friend I had not seen in 5 years situations and life being what it is.......a friend of 20 years standing. I have dealt with alot of death in my life, but was not prepared for him to tell me his youngest brother had commited suicide a month ago. I listened. I love him.

Thursday, December 25, 2008

and so this is christmas

and what have i done? escaped back to my cave, after a christmas eve day at "the diner" where i began my day with a gift to my coworkers in the kitchen, the unfortunate mexicans far from their families, all 14 of them living in the same casa and so i gave them a candle of Maria, for their casa. They seemed to appreciate the fact i was the only server giving them something they understood. the scratch off lottery tickets thoughfully presented to them by the other servers didn't seem to make much of an impression. then i was off to what i hoped would be a meaningful christmas eve with my daughter and grandaughter, only to watch the child being toted around to family friend's of my daughter's and to her other biological grandparents, "baby's dad" not being present. at least a dozen adults competing for the attention of this delightful 4 year old pointing digital cameras, thrusting ever more "gifts" at her, while I sat and wondered what ever happened to the Christmas Past?
Then back to my daughter's house, where her roomates were involved in a TAPS marathon, so cool are they, so superior to the trash they chose to view on what could be a lovely holy home night. I managed to lay down with my cherished grandaughter and read her the same book my mother read me, the same book i read my daughter every christmas eve, and then we fell asleep........until the dawn of the holy day. when yet more people arrived bearing gifts to this lovely unspoiled child, overloading her with barbies, bratz and spongebob cologne. then she was wisked off for the italian drama that passes for christmas at her other grandparents, plied with food, more uneccesary gifts, while i chose to stay and clean up my daughters ruined kitchen and collect the piles of giftwrap, plastic, staples, twisties, and general ruination that had become the living room. after my daughter arrived back i announced i was not going to any more rounds but would come home to enjoy the holy night, silent night, alone. and she was unable to pick up precious at the appointed time so they could procede to yet another destination, becasue Noni had just began another round of ziti, gifts, most requiring batteries, high heels for dolls, and arguements about whose cannolis would be served alongside the tiramisu bought at Costco. My own gifts, a cd player and a few cds of music that transcends the ages, were left behind on a living room floor amongst the Bratz, Barbies, and batteries not included. Tommorow its back to the diner, which oddly enough, is becoming more normal to me than this absurd orgy which passes for something else i recall, something lovely and appreciated and special. did I do the right thing, by opting out to return to my peaceful cave? indeed.