Tuesday, November 25, 2008

is it time to give thanks?

exactley what is the difference between recession and depression? well....break down the root and i guess to recess, is to recieve, to regress....i wish i knew latin prefixes i would like re re re re have a little respect. i what is the root of re?
i know the reason for the season. it ain't your mister jesus. it is re. remember. restock. reconnect.
it ain't about shopping. getting. or even giving, in the modern sense of the word if that means giving crap bought from retailers trying to sell shit that makes you believe you gave a gift.
a gift is light. light. easy to carry, born on a cold winter day. a lone green tree.
a star as bright as a song.
a clear cold night.
a father's hand.
one bright star among many
one bright light that may guide you.
one gift. one love. one child. one dream.
spend nothing. gather love. spread warmth.
its easy, so easy. remember, honour, cherish.
light one candle. eat one sweet cookie. sleep, sweet.

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