Friday, December 10, 2010

I Think I May Be Losing My Mind

Is it boredom or stress? Frustration with dead end mind numbing jobs? The oncoming holidays and the certain disappointment that this empty season means?
I am so fucking tired, tired of slogging back and forth to my shit job and all the filth and moronic people involved:
I hate my sneaking lying landlady.
I am bored with Facebook, YouTube and cable television, I refuse to read and wish I could smoke pot without endangering any meaningful employment.
I can't even give myself a manicure and be satisfied.
I dread the winter, as a non-driver I'm worried about bone chilling cold, numbing wind, snow, late buses, missed buses, getting the bus at night in bone chilling wind numbing snowy weather. I'm getting too old for this shit.
And there is nothing on television I want to watch because everything I want to watch involves paying ridiculous fees to degenerate cable companies outsourcing jobs to Bombay.
And I'm really pissed off that John Lennon died 30 years ago and nobody, anywhere, really gave a shit.And don't even get me started on Obama.
I talk to myself. When I go t the bustop to catch the bus that will surely be late. When I drag my laundry cart to the laundry, When I go to the back of the kitchen to smoke a cigarette at work for a moments peace. When I come home from work pissed off about how little money I made and how hard I worked, and sometimes I answer myself,
Nothing really makes me happy anymore. I am really fed up with life. No wonder The Walking Dead is my favorite show.

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